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How much money do you need to buy house in Kenya?

How much money do you need to buy house in Kenya?

The amount of money you need to buy a house in Kenya depends on a number of factors, including the location, size, and type of property you are looking for. However, as a general rule of thumb, you will need to have at least a 10% deposit saved up. This means that if you are looking to buy a house for KSh 20,000,000, you will need to have at least KSh 2,000,000 saved up. Modern House in Kenya In...

Top 10 tips for first-time home buyers

Before buying your first home/property, kindly take a moment to go through the following tips for first time home buyers. Make a budget & Save for a down payment ahead of time. Examine your finances thoroughly to determine how much house you can afford, taking into account both your monthly income and your debts. Consider opening a separate savings account for your homebuying expenses, and...

Renting Vs Buying Property Along Waiyaki way (pros & cons)

You want to invest in real estate but haven't made up your mind on whether to buy or rent a property along Waiyaki Way and its surroundings. Here are some streamlined benefits and drawbacks of both options to assist you decide which to choose before you start announcing to your friends and coworkers that you are "a Waiyaki way resident." Buying Pro's Purchasing real estate can be paid for in a...

Looking To Rent Along Waiyaki Way & Its Environs

The areas around Waiyaki Way are extremely busy. It houses some of Nairobi's most upscale entertainment venues. It's not difficult to find some tasty nyama choma and rhumba. Westlands is also quite near to some of the wealthiest areas. Being close to such a location could inspire you as a person who hasn't quite found their feet. Hoods along Waiyaki way With a few exceptions, rent for homes along...

Looking for a house in Nairobi

Looking for a house in Nairobi

If you're looking for a house in Nairobi this list can help you do it right. While the number of rooms, the condition of the kitchen, and the size of the garden are important, there are other factors to think over before you make an offer.  Nairobi is a bustling city with a wide range of housing options, from apartments to standalone homes. Here are some steps you can take to find a house in...

Why you sign a lease agreement

Most of you wonder why we need to sign a lease agreement document before you move into a house/apartment. The following insights will help you understand better: It is critical for tenants to sign a lease agreement. Anyone looking to rent or buy a home will need a lease. It explains what is expected of you as a tenant and specifies the landlord's and tenant's rights and duties. A lease specifies...

Important Steps to Take Before Leasing Land in Kenya

Before entering into a lease agreement for land in Kenya, it is critical that you have a clear grasp of the nature of the endeavor you are committing to. Private land leases are generally for extended periods of time, with some leases lasting up to twenty years or more. Because of the commercial interests you aim to create around the land you intend to lease, you will naturally want to be confident that...

How To Choose Between Renting And Buying In 5 Easy Steps

Buying a home is undoubtedly a significant life decision, but is it the right one for you? Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all answer, as both renting and buying have advantages and disadvantages. However, your personal finances play a significant role in your decision-making process. Renting appears to be the most cost-effective alternative in most circumstances. That isn't always the case,...

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