Home-Space Properties is a company duly registered in Kenya in 2012 with main offices at Kinoo. Thereafter the company has expanded and opened branch offices in Westlands, Kikuyu Town and Kawangware town. The company provides general and specialized services relating to property management, letting services and consultancy services. Our sister company Sparrow Property Consulting Ltd handles consultancy and legal matters with an office in Westlands.
We offer value and the following underpin what we do
Property Value – We ensure your property maintains its optimum rental value all times and remain in good physical condition.
Security – We protect you and your interest from public knowledge and ensure your investment is confidential.
Legal Compatibility – We ensure your tenant is legally bound to remit rent to you through proper documentation.
Convenience – You get returns from your investment without spending your time and energy following tenants.
Organization – The flow of income from your property becomes regular and predictable allowing you to plan better.
Budget – We carry out appraisal of your property maintenance needs and prepare budget from such maintenance on your behalf.
Coordination and administration of services – We ensure services such as security, garbage collection, sewage exhaustion, cleaning, garden and lawn, general care taking etc are paid and delivered as desired.
Maintenance of law and order – We implement the ruls and regulations you make for your premises including letting clients according to your criteria as well as consulting problem solving.